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Old Spice wanted W+K to help create awareness of their new line of nature-inspired products, but we knew there was a deeper issue at play. See, we knew that every [insert key demographic info about Old Spice’s target audience] person out there wasn’t even entirely familiar with how wonderful nature actually is. So to that end, we decided that our best course of action was to put a real live human being out into nature and stream his experience to a page for 72 straight hours…oh, and we needed make it so that he couldn’t do anything without first being told to by the Twitch chat.

And in so doing we created the world’s first surrogate nature adventurer. was still new to advertising, and this user-minded experience was the first branded live stream to appear on the platform. It received actual applause and cheers of encore from the internet gamers who’d tuned in — one of the most fickle communities in the universe — and would pave the way for scores of similar activations on Twitch in the years to follow.

Behold: impressive statistics and interesting tid-bits about the Old Spice Nature Adventure internet experience

This was one of the dozens of highlights that we cut during and after each day of the livestream, all of which lived on the post-stream website where users could see the best parts of Nature Adventure at a glance.

This was the chat room in the moments following the day 3 finale. We had nearly 2.25 million unique viewers and a good chunk of them stuck around to thank us for the wild ride.

This was the chat room in the moments following the day 3 finale. We had nearly 2.25 million unique viewers and a good chunk of them stuck around to thank us for the wild ride.