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People love anything with Terry Cruise in it. Somewhere along the line we figured people would love something exponentially more if we just put more Terry Cruises into it. Thus, Muscle Surprise was born.

The interactive video website featured eight tiny Terry characters living inside big Terry’s muscles, each one with their own unique storyline. Once a story was initiated, it would vary based on the order in which a user clicked the remaining Terrys scattered throughout big Terry’s muscles. With over 200 scenes, there were hundreds of different outcomes, allowing users to change the course of the action with each click.

Users spent more than six minutes on average exploring the site. Which is pretty awesome. So in the end, our theory was sorta right.

The whole thing is pretty awesome and confusing so we made this case study video to explain it in more detail

The website promo film that promoted the website in film form. Pretty self-explanatory